Monday, October 11, 2010

Troy Competition

As early as 5:00 in the morning, cadets were showing up at the gates in their P.T. (physical training) gear ready to destroy Troy! After head calls and roll check, we filed into the bus for the two hour drive down to Troy High School. Once the bus dropped us off, we marched to our usual grassy area, which was unfortunately soaked in mud and water. We shed our blankets and sweats and marched down to the track where about 29 other schools waited in anticipation for the first match.
First match of the day was the 100 meter dash. Runners gathered together and stretched, awaiting the signal for them to line up. As they lined up with an equal number of runners on each side of the field for their team, the batons were passed to the first ones to go. The crowd cheered loudly for their platoons and even for the ones they competed against. Our runners didn't place first, but we did place in the top 5.

Our hard work and dedication payed off as we placed for almost every trophy, winning a total of twelve trophies for San Ysidro! We won four in 8th place, three in 4th place, three in 3rd place, one in 1st place, and 3rd best out of all Area 11. The only ones we didn't place in, which was maybe one or two, were the only ones we didn't practice.

Our best match in which we completely annihilated Troy and any other high school competing was the Dizzy Izzy! Credit can go to Aaron Ramos for training his team so well! The objective in Dizzy Izzy is to sprint as fast as you can to where they're holding a baseball bat. Once you get to the baseball bat, you place your forehead on the top and spin a certain number times before sprinting all the way back to your team. Good work, San Ysidro NJROTC!

Cadet Ensign Bronder

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